Have a cultural troupe, composed of students from URDT Schools, well trained to perform different Dances, playing traditional music instruments for edutainment in rural communities and win awards in the national music festivals.


Offer opportunities to students to discover, build and strengthen vocational skills and raise their interest in music dance and drama items from school level to an international level, and earn sustainable income in future.


Music dance and drama is one of the internally designed co-curricular programmes offered to students as a way of increasing their creative thinking. The expected results are that students:

  • Understand the potentials within themselves with regard to MDD.
  • Intervene in inter-schools’ music festivals and appreciate their strengths.
  • Envision what they want and create it
  • Increase and diversify their creativity in income generation at individual and society level.
  • Acquire knowledge and skills in music for sustainable income if offer music as a profession.