Partners and URDT are two sides of the same coin. Both are needed in order to enable positive, sustainable change within the communities that we are tasked to serve. As a result, over a million rural farmers and their families benefit from the generosity of our friends and supporters. URDT has the privilege to work with renown local and international partners. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the many individuals and organizations who make our work possible.

Our Current Partners Are:

Local Organizations

  1. African Rural University (ARU)
  2. Ashoka Uganda
  3. Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom
  4. Charity for Rural Development (CHAFORD)
  5. Cross-Cultural Foundation Uganda (CCFU)
  6. Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations (DENIVA)
  7. FAWE-Uganda
  8. Girls Education Movement – Uganda (GEM)
  9. Kibaale Civil Society Network (KCSON)
  10. Makerere Institute of Social Research/ International Development Research Center
  11. Makerere University Faculty of Agriculture and Institute of Adult and Continuing Education
  12. Makerere University Institute of Social Research (MISR)
  13. Landesa, before Rural Development Institute
  14. Ministry of Agricultural
  15. Ministry of Education and Sports
  16. Local Council and District Leaders
  17. National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS)
  18. National NGO Forum
  19. Straight Talk Foundation
  20. World Vision Uganda

International Organizations and Projects

  1. African Farm Radio Research Initiative (AFRI)Â
  2. African Food and Peace Foundation (AFPF). Watch: Journey with us to Uganda
  3. Agribusiness Initiative Trust (aBi Trust)
  4. AHEAD
  5. Ashoka International
  6. British Broadcasting Corporation World Service Trust (BBC-WS)
  7. Carnegie Social Initiative
  8. Social Initiative – Nordic Capital
  9. Social Initiative Educate Girls
  10. KF
  11. SDW
  12. Wilde Ganzen
  13. CDR.
  14. Civil Society Fund (CSF)
  15. Elimu Foundation
  16. FAO
  17. Ford Foundation
  18. Homeopaths without Borders
  19. HET BOSJE from the Netherlands
  20. MIT – USA
  21. Mitcham Girls High School- Australia
  22. Mustard Seed Trust Fund
  23. KIO
  24. Female Cancer Foundation
  25. Tools For Self Reliance (TFSR)
  26. Tools to Work; previous Derde Wereld Werkplaats
  27. Triodos Foundation
  28. San Domenico School California
  29. SAWA World
  30. Soroptimists Delft
  31. Unity College USA
  33. Warwick University UK
  34. WTEF

URDT is deeply appreciative of the collaboration and partnership it developed over the years.
We implemented special projects successfully supported by:

  1. ETC Foundation
  2. Impulsis / ICCO
  3. OXFAM
  4. Rockefeller Foundation